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Stress is a modern expression frequently used to describe the feelings when facing difficult circumstances or pressing. When this stress can not be separated from everyday life, either due to pressure of work, environmental conditions or personal problems.

Both men and women have similar risk for experiencing stress, but apparently they can have a different reaction in the face of stress.

Differences in men & women in coping with stress

One of the basic behaviors that are different between men and women is their way of coping with stress. Where men tend to prefer a path that is not healthy to cope with stress than women. Based on the results of research from UCLA in 2002 (UCLA Study On Friendship Among Women), note that when faced with stress, men more often respond with fight-or-flight while women tend to respond in a way-and-befriend.

Fight-or-flight vs. Befriending
Fight response means that when a person experiences stress, he will respond with aggressive action, either through words or actions mean that while the flight response when faced with stress, individuals tend to be solitary or escape from the problem. Example: When a man who experienced stressful events in his office to go home, so he tends to want to be alone (do not want to interact with other family members) or even when they experienced severe stress, so he can take it out on children & wife.

Whereas in women when experiencing stress, they tend to be more busy myself treating / caring for family (tend) and tell your friends or family about the problem (befriend). Example: When a mother experiencing stressful events in his office, he will overcome the stress by focusing attention on the children or share stories with friends and other family members.

Men At Risk Due to High Stress
Men are more prone to experience stress-related health side effects than women, because men tend to suffer some of the things associated with stress such as hypertension, aggressive behavior, abuse of alcohol or illegal drugs. Women are more protected from these things because their behavior tends to be closer to family & friends while experiencing stress protect them from adverse effects of stress.

Effect of Hormones on Stress Response in Men and Women
Oxytocin, a hormone found in men and women who are expelled by the body as a form of response to stress, proved to have a soothing effect on rats and humans, makes the anxiety is reduced and becomes more easily blend in with its surroundings. Hormone in men look more to minimize the effects of oxytocin, while the female hormone estrogen to strengthen the effects of oxytocin are several fold.

Stress resulting from
Stress can affect the whole body, lower body endurance and increase the risk for other diseases from minor ailments such as colds to serious diseases like cancer.
Here are some types of diseases that can be increased by stress:

* Psoriasis.
* Eczema.
* Indigestion.
* Diabetes.
* Asthma.
Heart disease *.
* High blood pressure.
* Hair loss.
* Sexual problems, including erectile dysfunction (impotence).

Also due to stress disorders can also cause material losses due to reduced work productivity.

The Best Way For Man Facing Stress

Stress is one of the biggest barriers for someone to be able to feel happy & achieve something. But unfortunately, many are also people who can not appropriately cope with stress.

Men are more likely to hide the problems of stress, this may be due to environmental influences is also a frequent condition that man must always look strong and can not look weak.

According to Richard Driscoll, PhD, author of The Stronger Sex, men should be more open to seek help when experiencing a problem & not trying to hide the problem. This is important because it can protect him from bad influences caused by stress. Besides it is necessary for a more sympathetic approach toward the men, especially those who are at risk for experiencing great stress. He also suggested that men can learn how to defend themselves against stress is a mental process called shielding, where men can develop the ability to remain calm when faced with stress.

Last Richard Driscoll, PhD, suggested to the family as early as possible to give meaning to his children, especially boys, the difficulties they might encounter and how to overcome them.