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Acquainted with Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a familiar term among the public. A man is said to experience erectile dysfunction when he was unable to obtain and or maintain an erection for satisfactory sexual activity.
Erectile dysfunction varies in some level of severity. Some men have a total inability to get an erection, inconsistency in the erect, and still be able to perform an erection, although in a short time. But even so, many men are reluctant to consult on the problem to the doctor.

The Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction can be diverse. Age, psychological factors, the presence of abnormalities or diseases, drugs, habits, and other factors contributing to the occurrence of erectile dysfunction in man. Erectile dysfunction can also be a sign of health problems. A total of approximately 52% of patients who had hypertension and 64% of people with diabetes also had erectile dysfunction. In fact, approximately 90% of men who experience erectile dysfunction major depression in varying degrees of severity.

Erectile dysfunction is more commonly encountered in elderly than young men despite the ED can occur at any age. At the age of 45 years, many men who have erectile dysfunction experience. Generally, the older men, erectile dysfunction due to causes physical abnormalities. For example because of illness, injury, or drug effects. Some diseases can cause injury to the nerve or also influence blood flow to the penis and can potentially cause erectile dysfunction. Incidence of erectile dysfunction increases with age increment, which is around 5% at the age of 40 years, and between 15 to 25% at the age of 65 years.

Psychological factors is one cause of erectile dysfunction. Feeling anxious about sexual relations, because the bad experience or previous experience impotence. In addition, feelings of stress, including stress from work or family problems, depression, low self-esteem are also included causes of dysfunction ereksir. As already mentioned above, approximately 90% of men who experience severe depression erectile dysfunction in various degrees of severity.

Physical abnormality or disease as a possible cause of erectile dysfunction. Diabetes, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) is a disease that causes erectile dysfunction. In patients with diabetes or hypertension, if blood sugar levels are not maintained or uncontrolled blood pressure, it is not impossible that the patient will also experience erectile dysfunction. Then take the drug to overcome the disease becomes important to control the disease and no new problems such as erectile dysfunction.

Diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, stroke, diseases of the spine bottom, rectum or prostate surgery that causes nerve damage can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Sometimes, an imbalance of hormones in the body into the cause of erectile dysfunction. Your doctor will decide whether to do blood tests to check hormone balance.

Use of drugs such as antihypertensives, antidepressants, estrogen and antiandrogen may be one cause of erectile dysfunction in a man.

Bad habits that contributed to the cause of erectile dysfunction. Consume alcohol, cigarette-sucking, drug users, fatigue in physical activity.

Knowing Erectile Dysfunction

Consult your doctor if you experience erectile dysfunction. Doctors will diagnose by asking a few questions. Medical history will also be examined to see the use of drugs or disease suspected to be the cause of erectile dysfunction. Also performed some physical examination to determine whether there is erectile dysfunction. Laboratory examination can help diagnose erectile dysfunction. This test is needed to determine whether there is abnormality or disease in the body. Tests may include blood count tests, urinalisa, levels of creatinine clearance, and liver enzyme activity. Your doctor will choose the appropriate test for you.

Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction
Overcome the Problem
How to overcome erectile dysfunction depends on the cause. Because so many causes of erectile dysfunction, it is necessary to find the cause. After the doctor examined the health problems or medications that might be the cause of erectile dysfunction, it will provide the perfect solution to help overcome erectile dysfunction. The handling of erectile dysfunction problems ranging from mild stage to a more invasive stages.

Change Lifestyle
Lifestyle changes such as more exercise, reducing or stopping alcohol and smoking, lose weight also help some men overcome the problem.
In many male erectile dysfunction, the problem can be overcome by the use of oral tablets (taken).

Consultation with Health Workers
Stopping the use of drugs with milder side effects is the next stage. For example, high blood pressure medications that are replaced with other high blood pressure medications with different mechanisms of drug action. Consult your doctor about the possibility of drugs that are being used with erectile dysfunction happens.

Conducted psychological therapy and lifestyle changes in patients if needed. It also provided the drug was given orally or locally injected drugs. The use of vacuum pumps, intrauretal, or using the injection intracavernosa represents the next stage of treatment if treatment using oral tablets to no avail. The next treatment phase, namely the use prosthetic penis when all treatment has not been successful. Your doctor will help decide the right treatment.

Currently, there are many choices of an oral drug indicated for erectile dysfunction. Typically, oral medications for erectile dysfunction drugs that require a doctor's prescription (marked with the letter K in the red circle with a black line around the edges). Do not hesitate to consult on health tenanga.