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Cure Athlete's Foot

Posted by izzy19 | 6:31 AM

It is caused by micro organisms that lives on skin and they breed under warm and moist conditions. Sweaty foot wear is the most common reason for this disorder. Athlete's foot causes pain, itching, and burning of the feet and toes. While it is a frustrating problem, a few simple steps can treat this common foot fungus.


Cracked Skin.

Red, Swollen, Sore and oozing blisters.

Intermittent Burning Sensation.


Mix two tablespoons of Burrow's solution in 1/2 litres of cold water and apply the solution with cloth 3 to 4 times a day.

Soak your foot in a solution made of 2 teaspoons of salt mixed with 1/2 litre water for 5 to 10 min until the problem clears up.

Apply an anti fungal cream.

To avoid fungus between toes apply baking soda mixed with 1 teaspoon of warm water.

Scrap the under side of Toenails every second or third day with a orange stick.

Avoid using plastic shoes and footwear. Keep shoes under sun light to remove bad smell and infection.

Powder your toes frequently and apply garlic oil.

When to Call the doctor?

Inflammation which proves incapacitating.

Swelling occurs in leg or foot and you develop a fever.

Pus appears in the blisters or cracked area.