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Phobia comes from the word "phobia" meaning fear or anxiety experienced by a person, as well as its nature is not rational. The cause of this phobia all kinds, can be due to trauma or even genetic. Well, here's a phobia of the most experienced women.

- Fear of increased bridge (gephyrophobia)

Women who experience gephyrophobia, often thinking that the bridge will collapse and damaged and the cause of death. If you can ride it will tend to avoid the bridge or if he will ride a lot of sweating with a loud heartbeat.

"Scared to walk on the bridge a lot happening in women. It could also arise because of the fear of other things, and not just because of the bridge," says Patricia Farrell, who handles patient phobia psychologist and author of "How to Be Your Own Therapist", such as VIVAnews quotes from Glamour, November 5, 2009.

- Fear of spiders (Arachnophobia)

There are so many women are afraid of spiders and can run fast or even fainted when she saw him. According to research by a team from Carnegie Mellon University, women are genetically more afraid of spiders as compared with men. Even when only given a picture of spider, the woman could react extreme.

- Fear of vomiting (emetophobia)

Women also often called the fear of vomiting or emetophobia. Fear of vomiting is usually triggered by a bad experience that causes trauma. For example, while in the restaurant and threw up in front of people, certainly cause for shame. "Fear is a shameful thing happen again that makes a person become very afraid of throwing up," explains Farrell.

- Fear of birds (ornithophobia)

We saw birds flying, although far could trigger panic in someone who has ornithophobia. According to Farrell, women are more likely than men afraid of birds. Especially if you have had bad experiences with the poor, for example pecked.

- Fear of thunder (astraphobia)

Many women are heart pounding and breathing difficulties when I heard thunder booming and it is called astraphobia. These problems can be overcome alone, but some are not able to cope. If you can not better consult a psychiatrist.

- Fear of bacteria (germaphobia)

Many women who frequently wash their hands, or even panic when there is no water, wipes or cleaning fluid. If you feel demikan, can be experienced germaphobia. "Clean and hygienic it is very good but if it appears excessive fear in bacteria, the sign someone is having problems," said Farrell.