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Each person may have experienced flatulence. It's uncomfortable, especially when added pain in the digestive tract, because it could interfere with the activity. Even so, many people tend to be ignorant and judge it lightly. Flatulence is not
dangerous, but can also be a sign of serious disease.

According to Dr. Djoko Maryono, Sp.PD, Sp.JP, FIHA, PHASE, internists and kardiologis from Pertamina Central Hospital, Jakarta, flatulence is a part of the disease or indigestion dyspepsia (indigestion). Dyspepsia was attacking the intestines, and indicates an abnormality in the digestive system.

There are three factors causing flatulence. First, food and beverages. Food and beverages can cause excessive gas in the body such as the white vegetables, such as cabbage and mustard greens. When we eat them too often, the stomach will be filled with gas.

Chocolate, cheese and other fatty foods can also make flatulence. Fats inhibit the emptying of food in the stomach and continue to make us feel full. "Bloating caused by fatty foods are usually felt in the abdomen below the navel," he said.

In contrast, upper abdomen, near the solar plexus, so bloated when you drink too much soda. Consumption of soft drinks when hungry or empty stomach can also cause bloating. However, bloating because the food and beverages are generally temporary and not a serious problem.

There abscess or infection

Another factor is the situation causes bloating of the stomach, eg gastric slow work, which slows gastric contractility, or a slowing gastric emptying.

"This slowing contractility which may occur due to lack of exercise, so that the metabolism in the body, especially the stomach, does not work effectively," said Dr. Djoko.

Could also have an ulcer, infection, or ulcers in the stomach. Ulcer or gastric infection due to erosion. That is, there is thinning of the stomach because of drugs such as antirematik. "The drugs of this type of diluting the stomach and menimbuikan injury or infection," he said.

The third factor is the situation of the enzyme in the stomach. Enzyme charge crush food into the stomach. When the acidity of the stomach and decreases the amount of digestive enzymes, food can not be broken maximally.

Diseases can flatulence actually lost his own. Way, reduce the consumption of foods containing gases such as cabbage or mustard greens and cook until cooked food.

Foods that are not mature will inhibit the process of destruction in the stomach. However, if you feel bloated not missing, it is recommended to go to the doctor because it might be a sign of disease.

Signs of heart attack

Stomach bloating is often felt when we're not feeling well, such as colds. Limp body and stomach pounding like a drum when the tap is one of the symptoms. Not surprisingly, we often equate with flatulence common colds.

Flatulence can indeed happen if we catch a cold. However, does not mean that common colds are always characterized by abdominal bloating.

The definition of people of different incoming winds. If the air actually enters the body, thus causing excessive gas in the stomach, flatulence is due to common colds. Conversely, if the body aches due to common colds, not necessarily participate bloated stomach. Bloating occurs when too much gas in the body.

When we often "confronted" with the wind, like riding a bike all the time, so risky abdominal bloating. "We are so quick to eat a little full, even though new. Appetite is reduced, and we often burp," he said.

According to Dr. Djoko, flatulence sometimes not due to common colds. It should be noted by those who too often experience flatulence.

Flatulence can be a sign of cardiac abnormality of blood vessel LAD (Left Antirior Dicending). This disorder can cause a fatal heart attack and sudden death ending (sudden death).

"LAD blood vessels running in the same direction toward the stomach. If the heart is abnormal, the stomach will hurt, but no ulcer," said the doctor was born in Surabaya this.

In Indonesia, an estimated 25 percent of people suffering from abdominal distention which was mistaken for a cold-related heart disease. Colds a sign of heart disease is usually followed by a cold sweat excessive and rapid pulse, more than 90 per minute.

Therefore, do not sepelekan flatulence. It could have symptoms of heart disease.

Tip Prevent flatulence

To overcome the inconvenience caused by flatulence, try:

Identify and avoid foods that most often make flatulence, such as cabbage, apricots, bananas, onion, broccoli, red radishes, plums and juice products, spicy foods, soda, beer and carbonated beverages, as well as ice cream and ice milk soda.
Reduce fatty foods and fried. Fats inhibit the emptying of the stomach and increases the sensation of satiety and bloating.
Periodically, reduce high-fiber foods. Then gradually add the numbers from week to week also. If you take a fiber supplement, try to reduce their number and increase the dose gradually. Make sure to drink 10 glasses of water per day if you eat fiber supplement.
Reduce consumption of dairy products. Choose low-lactose dairy products (milk sugar), such as yogurt.

Consumption of digestive medicine sold freely, for example, which can help reduce the amount of gas production.
Eat smaller portions more often.
Eat slowly, chew well, just swallowed.
Do not eat when anxious, upset, or when running. Try to eat when relaxed. Eat when stress can affect digestion.
Eat acidophilus capsules or liquid form. If the symptoms that you experience flatulence caused by consumption of antibiotics, chances are you took acidophilus capsules or liquid to suppress it. This supplement will help replace the beneficial intestinal bacteria, which has destroyed the antibiotic.
Drinking a cup of peppermint tea. Peppermint oil containing menthol to relieve stomach pain due to excessive gas production.
Try simethicone. Feel free to find drugs that contain simethicone. Simethicone helps break down the gas bubbles that cause flatulence complaints.

Beware IBS

Flatulence can be a sign of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or defecation syndrome. IBS is included in the group of gastrointestinal functional disorders (digestive tract functional disorders) or functional motility disorders (disorders of functional bowel movement).

"This disease is a set of symptoms caused by functional gastrointestinal disorders, but there is no organic abnormalities in there," said Dr. Djoko when seen in the Jakarta Eye Center.

Group of IBS symptoms in the form of pain, abdominal bloating, and bowel disorders. IBS is not easily diagnosed. "His diagnosis is often based on exclusion criteria, that is upheld after removing all the possible existence of other gastrointestinal organic disease," he said.

Based on changes in bowel habits and form of stool, IBS can be classified into three subtypes, namely IBS diarrhea, constipation IBS, and IBS alternating or switching back and forth. In IBS diarrhea, CHAPTER pattern more than three times a day. Form of soft or liquid stools.

Diarrhea can be triggered by foods or beverages rich in sugar fructose or sorbitol, alcoholic beverages, and milk and other dairy products. Excessive coffee drinking can also stimulate the stomach.

In IBS with constipation constipation occurs CHAPTER pattern of less than three times a week and hard stools. Skip breakfast habits, especially eating without vegetables or fruit, can trigger constipation. Therefore, patients with constipation suggested adding fiber intake.

"If IBS symptoms occur alternating diarrhea and constipation alternately from time to time," he said.

In some patients, eating cause abdominal pain or sense of dying for a bowel movement. This is actually a physiological phenomenon of normal bowel movements after eating.

"Just because the intestine is more sensitive, somewhat exaggerated reaction. Because of that, too fatty foods should be avoided to reduce these symptoms," he said.

The cause of IBS is not clearly known. Several factors thought to have played a role, such as bowel dysfunction, tolerance, diet, and intestinal innervation. Handling is usually done with medication or non-drug therapy.