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Posted by izzy19 | 9:43 PM

Coffee Distribution History

Plant seeds and then mashed and roasted coffee was served. Method of roasting coffee beans themselves are not unknown when he started. But the coffee plant originated from the highlands of Ethiopia, which at that time the wild plants in Ethiopia. Then the coffee plants from here was developed in the Arabian Peninsula around the 15th century, which became famous Arabica Coffee. Arabica coffee is currently the most widely type of coffee produced in the world that is reaching more than 60 percent of world coffee production.

Kopi, Secangkir  Minuman yang Nikmat

According to legend, coffee was invented by a young Arab named Kaldi, a goatherd. He always noticed that the goat was always happy to show symptoms after a bite of seeds and leaves of green plants. Out of curiosity, he tried to plant seeds and feel the effects of passion and joy. This discovery eventually spread by word of mouth, since it was born according to legend in Arabic coffee.

In 1610, the first coffee plants were planted in the regions of India. Dutch people began to study proliferation of coffee in the year 1614. Then in 1616, they managed to obtain seeds and plants lush coffee plantations and directly establish ground coffee in Ceylon and Java (Indonesia) in 1699. Then by the Dutch people, this plant spread to the Dutch colony in Central America as in Surinam and the Caribbean. Then the nation of France is also interested in the coffee trade. They bought coffee seeds from Holland and then developed in Reunion Island east of Madagascar. But they failed to develop the coffee here. Then in 1723, the French nation to try to develop coffee plantations in the area of the island of Martinique. In the 1800s, coffee plantations developed in Hawaii. Later these plants were also developed in Brazil and other regions.

Origin Coffee Words

Words in English coffee or coffee comes from the Arabic qahwah, which means strength. Then said the coffee that we know today originated from the Turkish language which then later became kahveh Koffie in Dutch and in English coffee. The word is absorbed into the Indonesian language to be coffee.

Coffee in the Age of the past until now

Coffee was originally used as a food product. Then the coffee is used as a substitute for wine. Later coffee is also used as medicine. And now the famous coffee as a beverage which seemed very popular.

At first the coffee is used as food. All the crushed coffee beans, then add oil. Then the dough is shaped into a round and the food. Until today, some tribes in Africa still take coffee in the form like that.

Later, the coffee is used as a substitute for wine. Coffee beans created as a beverage similar to wine. Some people make a drink like this by pouring boiling water over the coffee beans that have been dried.

As a drug, coffee can be beneficial for treating migraines, headaches, heart disorders, asthma and chronic bowel disorders. Nevertheless, for excessive coffee consumption can have a negative impact. If the consume is belebih coffee can increase stomach acid, causing tension, and speed up the heartbeat. In addition, coffee consumption is excessive, often associated with stomach ulcers.

Later, the coffee is used as a pretty delicious drink. Dried coffee beans are then roasted and milled in the shell. The result then can become a delicious coffee beverage. Later found in coffee bean grinder machine that facilitates the production of coffee as a beverage.

Variety of Uses Coffee

Various distinctive flavor of coffee make pleasant sensation in the mouth. For example iced coffee or Iced Coffee is usually refreshing sweet. Coffee-flavored ice cream was also a favorite for many people. Coffee is also one of the basic ingredients of cakes taste some coffee. And most popular are plain coffee and milk coffee.

But scientists are also investigating other benefits from coffee. Time of coffee powder is useful as a good fertilizer. In addition, some disinfectants and insulation products for walls, floors and roofs can also be made from coffee. Glycerin is a byproduct of soap, coffee can be made from oil. Coffee oil is also commonly used as materials for paint, soap, and other products.

Coffee beans can be useful for a variety of products and uses. However, the most popular course as a delicious beverage you drink a lot of people every day.

Coffee Arabica and Coffee Robusta

Although worldwide there are approximately 70 species of coffee trees, from the size of a shrub to tree with a height 12 meters, but there are only two species of coffee trees that are generally known to be produced as a product of coffee. Both these species are used for the production of approximately 98 percent of world coffee production. What are they? The coffee was first developed in the world is Arabica Coffee from the species Coffea arabica coffee trees. This type of coffee most widely produced, which is approximately more than 60 percent of world coffee production. Arabica coffee from Coffea arabica species produce the best kind of coffee. Tree species is usually grown in upland areas. Coffee tree height is between 4 to 6 meters. Arabica coffee has a caffeine content of no more than 1.5 percent and has a chromosome number of 44 chromosomes.

Biji Kopi

Other species of coffee tree is also quite a lot of coffee products are produced as Coffea canephora often known as Robusta coffee. Coffea canephora tree height reaches 12 meters and can be planted in areas with lower than arabica coffee. Robusta coffee is typically used as instant coffee or fast food. Robusta coffee has a higher caffeine content, more neutral taste, and smell the coffee stronger. Caffeine content in Robusta coffee reached 2.8 percent and has a chromosome number of 22 chromosomes. Robusta coffee production has currently reached a third of world coffee production.

Dilemmas and Dangers of Drinking Coffee Coffee

Although coffee was delicious, but the drink was often creating various dilemmas. Some research shows the dangers of drinking coffee. Even in antiquity, the Middle East, coffee beverages could be prohibited because it often causes negative effects. What are the dangers of this delicious coffee?

Coffee consumption has been so widely known today, and various warnings from experts had repeatedly expressed over the years against many dangers that threaten the coffee drinkers. The results showed that coffee enthusiasts should be aware of the dangers that can arise from their coffee drinking habits. Hazards include heart disease, diabetes and even some cancers. Still, many people ignore this warning. Why?

During recent years, researchers have published results of their research on the effect of coffee drinking. However, the researchers made a conclusion that is not up to a convincing conclusion. Why? Because researchers typically examine only the dangers of caffeine, one of the 500 natural chemical constituents in a cup of coffee. So in fact a study of coffee is still not final and is far more complex.

The caffeine in coffee has a fairly dangerous stimulant effects. Caffeine can cause a person to have difficulty sleeping. Caffeine also causes a person to control difficult emotions and difficult to concentrate. Caffeine also can trigger cancer is indicated.

A study in the Netherlands show that coffee can increase cholesterol by 10 percent. Especially if you drink coffee without a filter and directly heated. Cholesterol itself is known to cause heart problems. A British nutritionist recommends drinking fresh coffee and not coffee that has been processed, heated and boiled for some time.

For coffee enthusiasts, experts suggest you drink coffee in the fair. Avoid drinking more than six cups of coffee a day. For those who experienced heart problems, kidney trouble and high blood pressure should drink enough coffee one cup a day. For pregnant and lactating women should also drink no more than a cup of coffee a day. Coffee was delicious, but health is far more important than enjoying a coffee in excess. Enjoy your coffee!