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After receiving breast milk exclusively for almost six months, Dian start given by the mother's milk formula. One hour after drinking milk formula, the tiny baby's face looked pale. It takes only minutes, the six-month-old baby was also spewing all the fluid milk is consumed. After spewing the contents of her stomach, the baby was crying in her mother's arms.

In a state of panic, Dian parents rushed to the nearest hospital in the area of Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta. Dian was diagnosed with allergies to cow's milk. According to doctors who handle it, there is the possibility of allergies, which is derived from the lineage of her parents. Indeed, I suffer from allergies. "If you hit the cold air or dust, I immediately runny nose, itchy sometimes," he said.

Apart from vomiting so drinking milk formula, resulting in patches of redness almost the entire body of Dian.Ati, mother of Dian, and then decided to stop giving formula milk to her child during the week. The suggestion of doctors, he then gave hypoallergenic formula milk. It could not want a drink, perhaps because it feels uncomfortable. "The important thing, my child is no longer vomiting and a rash of red," he said.

When Dian the age of one year, Ati and then replace the milk with regular milk formula. It turned out that her daughter is no longer showing symptoms of allergies. The doctor said, if have one year should be tested with normal infant formula. Initially got scared too even if allergy recurrence. "After a try, it turns out my child did not experience allergy symptoms," said Ati happy.

Cut another story about Fabiayya. He actually suffer from food allergies to cow's milk consumed by the mother. When more than one month old, the red rash on the cheek. He is also suffering from diarrhea repeatedly throughout the day. Though it was born, he got from his mother's breast milk exclusively.

After a doctor, he was suffering from cow's milk allergy. Allergic talent comes from both parents who suffer from asthma. Cause, during lactation, mothers consume cow's milk for nursing mothers and eat some foods that could potentially trigger an allergy. "Now I never eat fish, eggs and peanuts, milk also substituted soy milk," said Rifsia, mother of Cut Fabiayya.


The incidence of allergic diseases in children increases with changes in modern life, environmental pollution, and substances in food. "Allergies are immune reactions deviate from the normal and the body causing adverse symptoms," said Dr. Zakiudin Munasir, Chairman of the Division of Allergy-Immunology Section of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia-Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, in a seminar last May, in Jakarta.

In the body there are five types of antibodies or immunoglobulin, which immunoglobulin G, A, M, E and D. Immunoglobulin E is an antibody which has played a part in allergic reactions. In the body of allergy sufferers, there is a high immunoglobulin E grades, particularly immunoglobulin E specific to certain substances that trigger allergic reactions, such as dust, animal dander, pollen or certain foods, like eggs, milk, sea fish.

In the United States reported the incidence of allergy in preschool children 10 to 12 p ersen, and at school age 8.5 to 12.2 percent. D epartemen mention the U.S. Agriculture, 15 percent of the total population of the country's population is allergic to certain foods. Approximately 20 percent of children aged less than one year had experienced allergic reactions to food.

In Indonesia, the incidence of allergies in children has not been widely studied Indonesian. From research in the Village of Utan Kayu, Jakarta Pusat, turned out 25.5 percent of children suffer from allergies, including allergy symptoms in the nose and skin. From the results of clinical tests on 69 children with asthma in Poly Allergy-Immunology Section of Pediatrics Faculty of medicine-RSCM, was 45.31 per cent were allergic to crab, 37.53 percent are allergic to shrimp, and 26.56 percent are allergic to chocolate.

"Do not take lightly because of allergies in children at risk for child growth," said Zakiudin Munasir. Symptoms are often seen are vomiting, diarrhea, sometimes accompanied by blood continues, atopic dermatitis, such as red spots and itching, recurrent respiratory problems such as cough and asthma.

Most of the GI tract because the first contact and marked swelling and itching of the tongue and lips until orofarings, pain and stomach cramps, vomiting to severe degree with bloody stools. When the food allergens to escape from the gastrointestinal tract, allergic symptoms in organs such as skin (atopic dermatitis, urticaria), nose (rhinitis), eye (conjunctivitis), respiratory (asthma), central nervous system (headache), or systemic symptoms eg fatal anaphylactic shock.

However, allergies are often difficult to diagnose because of cross-reactivity occurs between meals. eg peanuts with peanut epitopes Ked elai who have the same despite having different proteins. In addition, the existence of allergy to addictive substances or other substances contained in food such as spices and preservatives. To ensure an allergy, allergy testing can be done, said Zakiudin.

Genetic character

A person can suffer from allergies if one or both parents have a history of allergies. Possible allergic larger if a history of allergy is the mother or both parents. This indicates an allergy is genetic. "This type of allergy is not always the same with their parents," she said.

Allergic reactions can also be triggered by environmental factors, including allergens, infections, pollution, and excessive physical activity. In fetuses, infants, and children, allergy triggers are parents and people around, food, medicine, and environment. "Foods that can trigger allergies, especially cow's milk, fish, eggs, d of peanuts," said Zakiudin added.

The risk of allergy in children has also increased if the mother smoked during pregnancy and lactation, the diet by eating food allergens. Children are also at risk of allergy when not breastfed or breastfed within a short time. S AAT so many working mothers can not breastfeed fully. So, baby formula and drinking milk. On gifted children who are allergic, milk-based formula to cow's milk may trigger allergies, he said.

Actually, allergic reactions can be prevented by avoiding the triggers of food allergies is to change the source of allergens in foods with similar nutritional value to prevent malnutrition. Generally, food allergies in children will disappear within a certain timeframe. Allergy risk will be reduced by exclusive breastfeeding for six months or more because milk contains a complete nutrition, including probiotics and protein hypo allergenik, Zakiudin said.

For babies who have aged six months upwards can be fed breast milk substitutes and infant formula. Obviously given milk with cow milk formula that has been processed. Hypoallergenic milk is given to prevent allergies in babies who do have talent allergies. The non alergenik formula given to infants who are allergic to cow's milk.

Allergies can also be prevented by avoiding cigarette smoke on pregnant and lactating mothers, he said. Treatment is given with drugs H1 and H2 antihistamines. The baby imunoterapi for allergy sufferers, there are no adequate studies to prove the results. With proper prevention and treatment, children with allergies can grow and develop optimally.