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In the field of health, nutrition terms (often also called nutrients) is defined as the process in a living body to utilize food for energy formation, growth and development, and maintenance of the body. The science is the science regarding nutrition.

Nutrient or nutrients are biochemical substances used by the body and must be obtained with an adequate number of (qualified) from the foods we eat. Makronutrien group consisting of nutrients and micronutrients. Belonging to the makronutrien are among carbohydrate, fats and proteins, which in this case consumed relatively large amounts (gram size), whereas those belonging to the vitamin and mineral miukronutrien is because it takes the body with relatively small amounts.

Therapy is a prescription diet or therapy that utilizes a different diet with normal diet to accelerate healing and improve nutritional status. If that was utilized not only diet but a broader knowledge of nutrition such as food and nutritional supplements, then that term can be converted into nutritional therapy. In contrast to diet (which is determined by a physician and a nutritionist), planning meals (menu planning) are more determined by the patient himself.

Role of Food and Nutrition

Food is a substance that is taken the body to provide nutrients. Every food contains nutrients with different types and quantities. Food generally taken the body through the mouth, digest and be absorbed in the digestive tract and then undergo the process of metabolism.

In addition to functioning as a growth and development of food a person or body maintenance of foods also have a fundamental role in religious traditions, culture and ethos. Because of that, someone else eating patterns are determined by many factors, some factors are based on factors including likes and dislikes (food like and dislike), custom (habit food), purchasing power and availability of food (purchasing power and food availability), trust and superstition (food belief and food faddism), self-actualization (self-actualization), religious and psychological factors, and the most recent, and is often considered not important that nutrition and health considerations.

One of the many factors that influence the pattern of eating is because of the habit. For those who have a habit of overeating is recommended to:

* Choose foods low in fat, low saturated fat, low cholesterol and to reduce the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer diseases
* Choose foods that contain lots of fruits, vegetables and whole cereal products to get the vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and complex hidratarang necessary and will help control the intake of fat / calorie overload
* Use sugar and the amount is not excessive and is only required. Excessive sugar intake can lead to consumption of calories you consume too much and too little of other nutrients in addition to causing tooth decay.
* Use salt and sodium and the amount is not excessive to help reduce the risk of high blood pressure

For those who have low nutrient intake is recommended to:

* Increase the intake of calories and fat (especially saturated fat) in accordance with needs.
* Noting the protein intake, especially from a quality protein source but are inexpensive and easily obtained such as eggs (animal protein) and tofu or tempeh (vegetable protein).
* Taking into account the natural vitamin and mineral intake by emphasizing vegetables-which are cheaper than fruit, two to three servings a day. Habit of eating raw vegetables, and fresh vegetable fresh fruit is recommended to pay attention to cleanliness. Several types of vitamins (eg vitamin C) will be oxidized when cooked / heated so that must be obtained from fresh fruit or raw vegetables.

Nutrients: Types and Functions

Nutrient or nutrients are elements contained in foods and is needed by the body for various purposes such as producing energy, to replace damaged tissue, producing certain substances such as enzymes, hormones and antibodies. In addition, nutrients are also required for developing growth in infants, children and pregnant women (fetal growth and development).

As was noted earlier that the nutrient is divided into groups consisting of hidratarang makronutrien (HA), fat, and protein and micronutrient group consisting of vitamins and minerals.

In addition to nutrients, the food there are also elements that are useful for health such as dietary fiber, water, food phytochemicals, prebiotic and probiotics that these are called the elements of food.

1. Hidratarang (HA)

Is a nutrient or nutrients the body needs in large numbers to produce energy or energy. Needs that will most hidratarang happen because this nutrient is not used up and recycled. Hidratarang unused because asupannya exceed the amount of energy expenditure will be converted into a savings hidratarang called glycogen.

If deposits in the liver and muscle glycogen is full, excessive hidratarang can also be converted into body fat, which is the largest body of energy savings. Both glycogen and body fat is stored energy that is used when energy intake from food is reduced or when energy needs increase.

Function Hidratarang

In addition to the main primary source of energy and heat to maintain body temperature, hidratarang can also:

* Be stored energy in the form of glycogen in liver and muscle in
* Used as triglycerides and stored energy in the form of body fat
* Modified into acid-non essential amino acids.

Another function of Hidratarang, ie:

* Keeping the protein is not used as energy sources (protein sparer)
* Being part of many compounds in the body such as DNA and RNA, which is genetic material, which is part of galaktolipin neural networks, imunopolisakarida which was part of the body's defense mechanism against infection and many other
* Increase the growth of intestinal bacteria in the form of compounds such as fruktooligosakarida prebiotic (FOS)
* Improving the gastrointestinal motility in the form of resistant polysaccharide (resistant starch or resistant starch) and dietary fiber such as cellulose and hemicellulose.

2. Fats and Oils

Fats and oils are important makronutrien which ranks second only to the HA as a fuel to provide energy to body cells (1 gram of fat provides 9 kcal or about 36 kJ). Fat has other functions that are not owned by the HA as the formation of cell membranes, hormones and fat-soluble vitamins.

Based on the shape, fat with oil are distinguished, namely the oil while the solid fat is a liquid. Both were found both in food and in our own bodies. Fat or oil contained in the body called lipids.

Function Fats and Oils

Fats and oil are the two nutrients that the body uses as fuel to generate energy. Besides functioning as an energy source, fat also has another important function, namely to form the structural components of cell membranes. Body fat or lipid groups include steroid hormones and fat-soluble vitamins. So that the function of body fat are:

* Metabolic fuels to provide energy to body cells
* The structural components of cell membranes
* Components of the formation of an insulator to reduce body heat loss and reduce the impact of conflict on body organs
* Components of the formation of the hormone (endocrine function) and fat-soluble vitamins

Foods that contain cholesterol and a lot of oil / fat is the broiler chicken, squid, red meat (beef, lamb, pork), kidneys, ham, liver, hot dog / hamburger / pizza, jerohan (tripe, intestines), coconut / palm oil, cheese, pastries, fatty oil animals (chickens, pigs, goats), margarine, butter (butter), red eggs, cooking oil (palm, coconut), brain, coconut milk, milk full-cream/whole milk, sausage , tarcis, quail egg.

3. Fats adverse health

Generally there are four types of fats or oils which adverse health effects if consumed in excess, these four types are:

* Animal Fat
* Waste Cooking Oil
* Oils such as margarine trans
* Head Santan (coconut milk and the frozen section)

The four types of fats and oils contain fatty acids are trans fats and saturated oils. There are no trans oil naturally in the body but is formed through the processing in the food industry.

4. Protein

Until the mid-19th century, many scientists thought that life was created only from a basic chemical substance which is protein (which is sometimes also called albumen). Protein is found in every living cell and nearly half of the dry weight of a cell in the form of the protein. After water, protein is an element contained in large amounts in our bodies.

Proteins carry out many important physiological functions. But we can not say that the protein is more important than any other nutrient function, because no other nutrient proteins can not be fully utilized by the body.

Protein Function

There are eight categories of protein function that consists of:

* Establish a new body tissue. Protein required for anabolisme because this nutrient is a constituent of all cells and tissues. Construction of the new network is needed on growth (infancy, childhood, adolescence and pregnancy) as well as healing (injury or illness).
* Improve body tissues
* To produce compounds essential
* Set the osmotic pressure. Plasma proteins (albumin) to maintain the existence of water in blood plasma and thus will maintain blood volume and prevent the accumulation of fluid in the tissue (edema) or body cavity
* Adjust fluid balance, electrolyte and acid-base.
* Generate the body's defense
* Generate transport mechanism. Proteins can dissolve fatty substances to be transported in the blood
* To produce energy. However, the use of protein as an energy source occurs only if:
* Intake hidratarang and fat / oil as an energy source is inadequate
* Protein intake exceeds requirements
* Essential amino acids for protein synthesis have not

Food sources of animal protein of chicken, pork (lean), lamb, mutton, beef, fresh fish, cheese, egg whites, powdered milk, fresh cow's milk, chicken eggs. Food sources of vegetable protein, red beans, shelled peanuts, green beans, dried soybeans, Oncom, tofu, tempeh, soy pure.