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Posted by izzy19 | 7:26 AM

DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid, or in Indonesian often also called DNA, which is short for deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA or DNA is the genetic material contained in the body of every person who inherited from parents. DNA contained in the nucleus of cells in the structure of chromosomes and the mitochondria.

Function as a blueprint that serves as a conduit of code for every human being, as to hair color, eye shape, face shape, skin color, and others. Introduction about the structure of DNA was introduced by Francis Crick, a British scientist and James Watson from the United States in 1953.

For simplicity we understand what kind of DNA, you just think of a sentence. Sentence is composed of several words. And each word is formed from some alphabet. Can be said, the alphabet is a basic element of many languages. A similar principle can be applied to DNA. At the molecular level, "alphabet" of DNA provided by the primary. The amazing thing is that the "alphabet" consists of only four letters, A, C, G, and T, which is a symbol of the chemical bases adenine, cytosine (cytosine), guanine, and thymine. These compounds form an exclusive bond, in which adenine is always paired with thymine and guanine always pairs with cytosine.

The shape of the double helix of DNA is like the one with the meeting. DNA consists of four base pairs of A, C, G, and T which are chemicals that contain nitrogen. Sequence of bases in DNA is the molecule that determines the genetic information contained in it. In short, this sequence determines almost everything about you, from hair color, skin color, until the shape of your nose.

Every human being has 23 pairs of chromosomes consisting of 22 pairs of somatic chromosomes and one pair of chromosomes determine gender. Someone with XX chromosomes determine the sex of female and XY for someone who is male sex. Chromosome is obtained from the parents, half from the mother and half from dad.

Struktur DNA

DNA testing

On mitochondrial DNA known as mitochondrial DNA obtained from the mothers overall. Mengembil mitochondrial DNA testing can identify a person if the person has a family relationship with the family of the mother or the maternal family relationships. You do this by comparing the mitochondrial DNA has with the birth mother, grandmother or siblings from the mother.

Because a mother is fully lowered mitochondrial DNA to their children, what about fathers? A father will inherit a Y chromosome to their sons (since the Y chromosome belongs only male XY sex chromosomes). While girls do not have Y chromosomes (XX female sex chromosome).

To prove the family's relationship with his father's side can be done by comparing the Y chromosomes of a child with his biological father or a paternal siblings. Because the Y chromosome examination only for boys, then how to perform DNA tests on a girl?

DNA tests conducted by taking DNA from somatic chromosomes. Institute of DNA in the somatic almost the same in every person as functioning form and function of organs. Sequence errors can lead to disruption in humans is concerned. But at the core of these cells also have the area known as the area of STR (short tandem repeats). This area does not give the code to do something.

STR is what is unique because it is different for each person. The difference lies in the sequence of base pairs that are produced and the sequence repetition STR. AGACC sequence will be different with someone who has a string of AGACT. So also with the sequence of repetition that is unique. STR pattern is inherited from parents.

How do DNA test?

In this example is a DNA test to prove whether a child really is the biological child of a husband and wife. How to check DNA tests conducted by taking STR from children. Furthermore, the laboratory will analyze the sequence of this strand of the STR whether the order same as someone who made a pattern from a child. The order is not the only one because the examination was continued by looking at the number of chromosomes.

For example, a child's examination found that the chromosome number 3 has a sequence with a repetition AGACT two times. When the father or mother who confessed his biological parents also have a repetition of the same on the same chromosome number, it can be concluded between the two men had a family relationship.

Someone can be said to have a blood relationship if you have 16 STR in common with biological families. When the order and repetition of the same, then the two people who checked has ties sibling or a close blood relations. This amount is quite small compared with the overall bond spiral in our body which amounts to billions.

DNA tests carried out by taking a little part of your body to compare with others. Parts that can be taken to be checked is the hair, saliva, urine, vaginal fluid, semen, blood and other body tissues. This sample will not change throughout one's life. The use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs will not change the composition of DNA. Results of DNA tests will be run from a new patient can be seen 2-4 weeks. Costs required for DNA tests currently about seven to eight million dollars.

Benefits of DNA Testing

DNA testing has now become fashionable to prove the link a person's blood relations. Given the many infidelities and sexual freedom, has resulted in many children who questioned the origin of their parents. Therefore, many couples do DNA tests to prove the origin of children born to them.

Even in some countries, many DNA testing clinics. Many also are using DNA tests because of suspicious spouses. Some people give up personal items owned by her partner to the clinic for an examination whether the spouses to connect with others who are not spouses.

In the police, DNA testing is also used for forensic tests. DNA testing is the most accurate evidence to test a person compared with fingerprint identification. With DNA testing, police can provide authentic evidence of bodies that have been destroyed, provided the tissue samples could be taken on the corpse's body.

In addition to detect family relationships, DNA testing also serves to detect a particular disease until the disease is complex. With DNA testing could be known causes of a disease having the character of the disease let alone derivative.

Advances in technology have made more new things that can be learned. DNA testing at this point is the identification of the most accurate and reliable. Information about DNA testing in the hope to help you familiarize yourself closer to that process.