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Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is an acute fever disease that is usually found in the tropics. Dengue disease is geographically similar to the spread of malaria. Dengue fever is generally immune to attack people who are in decline.

Dengue Fever outbreak first occurred in 1780s simultaneously in Asia, Africa and North America. The disease is then recognized and named in 1779. Global large outbreak began in Southeast Asia in the 1950s and until 1975 dengue has become a leading cause of death among which occur in children in the area.

WHO estimates more than 500,000 of 50 million cases of dengue fever requiring hospitalization. More than 40% of world population living in endemic areas of dengue fever.

Dengue Fever Causes Bedarah

Dengue disease is caused by one of the four serotypes of the genus Flavivirus virus, Flaviviridae family. Each serotype has a different so there is no cross-protection and epidemics caused by multiple serotypes (hyperendemicity) can occur. Dengue fever are spread or transmitted through the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquito that previously has bitten an infected person dengue.

Signs and Symptoms of Dengue Fever

The disease is demonstrated through the emergence of sudden onset of fever, accompanied by severe headache, joint pain (myalgia), muscle pain (artralgia) and rashes; rash of dengue fever have a characteristic bright red, petekial and usually at the bottom of the first appearance body - in some patients, it spreads to surrounding almost the entire body. In addition, inflammation of the stomach can also appear in combination with stomach pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, mild colds accompanied by coughing. This alert condition needs to be addressed with a broad knowledge by patients and families that should immediately consult a doctor when the patient / patient experienced a high fever three days in a row. Many patients or patients' family suffered a potentially fatal condition because he considered mild symptoms

Dengue fever usually lasts about six or seven days with a smaller peak of fever occurred at the end of the fever. Clinically, the number of platelets will fall until the patient is considered afebril.

After the shoot / incubation for 3-15 days the infected person can suffer / suffered from this disease in one of four forms of the following:

* Forms abortif, patients do not feel any symptoms.

* Classic dengue, patients experienced high fever for 4-7 days, pain, pain in the bones, followed by the appearance of spots or patches of bleeding under the skin.

* Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (Dengue hemorrhagic fever / DHF) symptoms are similar to classic dengue plus bleeding from the nose (epistaxis / nose), oral, anal, etc..

* Dengue Shock Syndrome, symptoms similar to dengue shock plus / presyok. This form often leads to death.

Because of the frequency of bleeding and shock the death rate in this disease is quite high, therefore any patient suspected of having Dengue Fever in any level that should be immediately taken to the doctor or hospital, considering at any time of the shock / death.

Causes of fever, dengue fever showed a higher, bleeding, thrombocytopenia and hemokonsentrasi. A number of minor cases can lead to dengue shock syndrome which has a high mortality rate.