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Eyelid Twitching

More severe contractions, where the eyelid completely closes, are possible. These can be caused by irritation of the surface of the eye (cornea) or the membranes lining the eyelids (conjunctiva).

Sometimes, the reason your eyelid is twitching cannot be identified. This form of eyelid twitching lasts much longer, is often very uncomfortable, and can also cause your eyelids to close completely.


In addition to having repetitive, uncontrollable twitching or spasms of your eyelid (usually the upper lid), you may be very sensitive to light or have blurry vision.


Eyelid twitching usually disappears without treatment. In the meantime, the following steps may help:

If twitching is severe, small injections of botulinum toxin can temporarily cure the spasms.

Outlook (Prognosis)

The outlook depends on the specific type or cause of eyelid twitch. In some cases, the twitches usually stop within a week.

Possible Complications

Permanent eye injury from unrecognized cornea injury is possible, but rare.

When to Contact a Medical Professional

Call your primary care doctor or eye doctor (ophthalmologist) if: